Groove On: Peter Himmelman Lays It Down

Press On cover art by Isaac Himmelman Album review by Eric Sandberg – Peter Himmelman – Press On After two major label stints and many releases through various indie distributors on his own Frinny Records imprint, Press On is Peter Himmelman's third straight album made under the aegis of his own fans via Kickstarter. Over this period his supporters have been rewarded with early access to three of his finest albums to date, each one better than the last. These releases are likely break-even affairs for Himmelman, if not losses considering how even the most carefully planned project budgets can go awry. Himmelman's primary means of support is his company Big Muse, a consulting firm that assists corporations and businesses grow by helping personnel remove mental barriers and unlock their creativity. Himmelman published his self-help process in book form Let Me Out: Unlock Your Creative Mind and Bring Your Ideas To Life in 2016. So why does Peter Himmelman still regu...